Monthly Archives: February 2014

A Complete Game


Looking back now, this writing has changed a bit, but it is about modern communications, (phone, pc, etc.) and making a complete game.
This is my poem… Or at least I’m about to write it:

Breaking into Opportunities

Connection… In a heart beat,
Life-changing decisions travel down copper and glass channels,
Wires and fiber-optics,
What the Hell did I say?
Words and impressions ricochet:
I was really out there at the time,
Out on a limb, on the wire, connected…
A great understanding came over me,
And I paddled up the raging river of information,
Driven into another person’s perspectives: detailed programs,
Finding another rival,
Maybe a partner,
Combination – corner pocket,
In the middle of the game:  Making unheard of shots,
Forcing a difficult opportunity to win or lose,
A series of plays, a combination pushing opportunities into a complete game,
Win or lose,
Rack them up

Casting words


Picture taken by my Dad


It has been a while since I posted, so I whipped this together…  Basically it is about a bit of uncertainty and getting hopes up.  There is an undertow that is welcome and leads to opportunity.  Working to remain optimistic and build on confidence.

It may seem to you:  I strut on heedless,

This week, I’m walking on pins and needles,

Sure of the next step, since there is no choice,

Unsure of what lies beyond that – Your voice

Promises chance, unexpected seed spills,

A decision made – that changes free wills,

These fast words to me are more than mere toys,

And your quick change of heart really annoys,

Just cast aside, caught in a branch downstream,

Line tied around the swamp grass and a reed,

More keen on the bait that is still moving,

Seems I swung my lure too far in a dream,

Background music that suggests I succeed,

Opening doors, things are still improving

Need Music – Your Rhythms to Survive

Swimming in a perfect V, soon changed to flying in a perfect V.   Takes a while to get into full flight, but sometimes our moves in our ‘teams’ are perfectly timed.  No wonder we are always testing the waters, or asking each other, “What’s up?”.




Sky Is the Limit….

Word comes down,

All good comes around

When you break it down,

Limit goes up and up


All the lows and highs,

When you plan the prize,

Limit goes up and up

I must make my way right to the source, yah

My good friend, I think you know why I am here,

Its the light I see in these days of course, yah

And in the dark our dreams come naturally,

Choosing the moves and our music soothes,

And all that I need is the synchronous grooves,

Word comes down,

All good comes around

When you break it down,

Limit goes up and up

Scraping the sky for diamonds in the rough,

Raising up high:  sun and stars in a cup,

The highs of you and me…

Choosing the moves and the music soothes,

And all that I need is the synchronous grooves,

Choosing the plays and the music stays,

And all that I need is the top of the days,

Word comes down,

All good comes around

When you break it down,

Limit goes up and up