Monthly Archives: June 2015



Diving deep into a sea of sunrises,
Every day of our life exists,
On its own, but with all others,
The characteristics of each moment are compiled into the collective conscious,
When you smile – it lasts forever,
Etched into the universal mind,
A reason to celebrate,
Strive to sustain those seconds,
Turning our time into content hours and days,
Washing out the problems and making obstacles obsolete,
Patience creating calm and optimistic moods,
Pressing for courage when needed,
Kindness colouring every day,
And magic sealing our package deal,
Our lives pushed further into happiness,
Then after these seeming centuries, We have more chances to smile,
Just from staying cool

Winning Stance

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10 years earlier, in hospital, but I found strategies to maintain health. Then completed electrical apprenticeship. Here I am as successful telecommunications foreman for a 2 year project.

Everyone in the world wants happiness,
Lack of resources causes crappy stress,
In subtle or obvious ways we search,
On the edge of want and need we perch,
Some of us so sure we are by ourselves,
I choose to think we’re more like books on shelves,
When we read what we want we can create,
Whether fortune is planned we can debate,
Making our own chance, is it possible?
I think we can, but I have losses still,
This work, and even misfortune at times,
All part of life as the sun or moon climbs,
By having faith, we make the most of chance,
By keeping pace, we take a winning stance