Monthly Archives: February 2018

Sanity in Working Together


Picture taken by my Dad

This is a quick poem, that I have adapted and posted on twitter.  Basically it is about finding mental health through making progress, working together and NOT wasting time.


Of the frivolous ways to spend my days,

Nothing is worse than questioning the future,

So, if I dare, to stare into space,

I’ll try to make sure, I’m not planning a detour,

Because time is the essence, it’s okay if it’s lessons,

But not delays that drag days on without gain,

Life becomes better, when we’re working together,

When time engages through all stages, we feel sane

Forever is Right Now


Time is not a fleeting thing,

It is permanent,

Like the impression of a moment,

In the records of life,


The soul is experienced in waves of connected, flowing, perception,

The stem carries

Blossoms of life, that open and find form,

Time takes away endless tomorrows,

But leaves forever today