Monthly Archives: August 2016

Amidst Waves, Health Talk Saves


Speak of Health – Aboard the Life-Boat


As I sit, on this ship,

Safe I know, sometimes slow,

Best steady, and ready,

We can stand, if it’s planned,

Those in charge, sail this barge,

If they’re right, hold on tight,

Times it’s clear, you can steer,

Seems so fast, leagues we’ve passed,

If it’s me, I can be,

Amidst waves, one that raves,

When kept quiet, by the riot,

Try to shout, won’t come out,

Though it seems, these are dreams,

It is real, what I feel,

It gets hotter, ship takes water

There’s too few, of us who,

Learn to speak, of this leak,

Yes the boat, keeps afloat,

Those who hear, are so dear,

Teach the way, what to say,

Still some drown, sinking down,

Can’t send word, to be heard,

No platform, in this storm,

We must try, to raise high,

Flags for all, to send call,

For folks low, those that row,

Or too high, for a cry,

Still need voice, and a choice,

Rough ones sing, try to bring,

A true love, from above,

Use a word, to be heard,

Some will frown, not look down,

Must look passed, guide the mast,

Not they’re fault, as winds halt,

But now calm, rope in palm,

We must matter, climb the ladder,

Bring the banner, be the planner,

Hoist for health, mental wealth,

Plug the hull, without bull,

What is real, we must feel,

What we pray, we must say,

Heads together, beat the weather,

Talk of soul, more than gold,

Tell your needs, with your pleads,

And just when, sail again,

We’re all in – this to win,

Deaf not those, who oppose,

Let’s be loud, and be proud,

Then with truth, we can soothe:

The long days, rain or rays,

With good ballast, and hands calloused,

Balance mood, in this brood,

Exercise,  craft supplies,

Still give lots, share health thoughts,

For fine lives, bring calm vibes,

Front-line notes, from these boats:

Live your days, many ways,

To survive, be alive,

Find one way: live today,

In this sea, catch what’s free,

Throw your string, for something,

At anchor, to bank for,

With a feel, that is real,

Learn of these, strategies,

To be well, toll the bell,

Sleep good  hours, refresh powers,

See the signs, those fine lines,

If you cross, might get lost,

What you need, level speed,

Quick enough, slow when rough,

On one day, waves will pay,

Ocean lets,  you fill nets,

Until then, calm again,

Sometimes meds, saves our heads,

Do relax, take calm facts,

Learn from past, present’s cast,

All you wish, goals to fish,

By key tips, sail these ships,

Work and plan, rest a span,

Health is more, expand core,

What you know, makes you go,

Makes you tick, not be sick,

Hope is best, in this test,

Who you know, helps the flow,

Proper way, seems to pay,

Work from heart, and get smart,

Gets you there, just take care,

Words you utter, steer the rudder,

Look away, in this day,

And you may – lose the say,

Your true light, helps you fight,

We must climb, in this time,

With treasure, not measure,

For the show, while we tow,

Helpful things, your life brings,

Hard to live, but thoughts give,

Ways to save, through each wave,

You and those, friends who chose,

To still reach, talk and teach,

Life not known, like our own,

Must explain, way to gain,

Even keel, stable feel,

Make it right, day and night,

For the race, in this place,

All of us, lose the rust,

Out at sea, you and me,

Ship we must, truly trust,

Until land, is at hand,

Chained with key, must feel free,

Let’s unfold, map that’s bold,

Catch the wind, message pinned,

Shows the way, be okay,

Feel it clear: help is near